So yea i said I would update more since school started but lately shits just been crazy lol but im BACK and gonna update alot more. IVe been blogging my thoughts and stuff on xanga but ill do this 2. Anyway theres ALOT that i havent blogged on and theres ALOT to blog on but im just going to do certain topics.
So i might be like a month late but this is still significant

Heres to new beginnings lol. Not only in the US but in my life and THIS blog. Only right i started off with that.

So this is something i came acorss over winter b reak. Its actually pretty dope. Its practially like facebook status's. Its basically a way to stay connected with family friends co workers etc through the simple question. What are you doing? you update what your doing and just like facebook people can reply. mainly its a music buisness site. alot of famous people are on their. Nina sky, mickboogie, Quest love, Solange knowlges, kid cudi, Nate robinson, shaq, MC hammer, diddy, qtip. So its like a big deal. Alot radio hosts are on there and ALOT of up and coming dope artists. I love it because since iwant to be an A&R its a GREAT place to network with artists and people LIKE diddy and people who own labels. but if you have one follow me at Steph_The_AnR and if you dont have one you should get one its great!
so the oscars were last night. i didnt watch because i didnt care 2 much, but i follwed it via twitter. From what i was hearing Alicia keys had on a wig and her makeup artist should be fired. well neway i looked online for pictures and i agree. i'll post pics. Tarji one of my fav actresss lost but shes sitll a winner because she looked GREAT last night. Diddy has an oscar?, hm. Heath did win, it was well deserved. And queen latfiah showed up with her personal trainer which basically confirmed that shes gay i guess lol. But heres pics from the event last night.

Rihanna- The Face of a battered Women
SO..this is the actual headline on TMZ. Idk if i should even put this up because in domestic violence cases Privacy of the victim is BEYOND important and i do really think this is disrespectful especially that the photo leaked a day before her 21st bday. but it is a HOT topic. So anyway. This is the legit photo. TMZ payed 62 grand for the photo. Honestly when i heard about the situation i said i dont think chris did anything but this is just BEYOND a domestic dispute. He really fought her. The thing is she looks SO sad in the picture. =/ I do think his career is done. Alot of radio stations have pulled his music along as stores and even his double mint ad has been pulled. Hes VERY talented so for his career to end at 19 is sad. He does have alot of female fans that are still sticking by him though. But in reality This is beyond crazy And no matter what no one should be beaten up by a loved one as she was (Supposedly) Chris issued a statement saying hes seeking guidance and counseling from god And maybe he needs it Because hes been around abuse his entire life. Im not someone to bash him because Things do happen Their both young. And no one knows the situation completely but them. But i do feel bad for the BOTH of them. The Media has blown the situation out of proportion and issued alot of disgusting false allegations such as herpes and leona lewis being the side girl. People should take a step back and look at themselves before judging another situation all of us have nothing to do with.
ALOT has been changing.
Not even in the world but musically. Just has a whole, Life is so diffrent. I.E Kid cudi. I did a couple posts about him before But anyway Him & Ye kicked a freestyle on 106 Thursday. He has the dopest melodies ive heard. I hope this is a song on his album. But neway check it out. Look at how their dressed I LOVE 09 right now!! people arent afraid to be who they are and their LIVIN!
Turn my swag oooooonnn.
Somethin else creative. Check kanyes Welcome to heartbreak video its DOPE but i do think its a little OD with the visuals.
Kanye West- Welcome to Heartbreak
KANYE WEST "Welcome To Heartbreak" Directed by Nabil from nabil elderkin on Vimeo.
i did an artist spotlight about him and a couple other posts. But Right now DRAKE has the biggest buzz of any other artist out. Hes being compared to Jay-z which is a HUGE compariosn. he does have the buisness mindset, Personam and the lyrcism. ANyway The anticpiation for his RECENT mixtape: SO FAR GONE was insane. I was even waiting for it the whole day 40 had everyone going nuts on the blog but because they were on Pacific time I just went to sleept woke up to see he already had about 60,000 downloads, He basically gave us a free album even though he does sell them in cananda. But None the less the mixtape is really DOPE, he sings about 60% of it but he still comes with dope lyrics and rhymes. Lloyd is on the it, Omarion, Bun B, and of course Wayne and Trey songz. But if you havent heard it or have it. You can download it hereee!
While were on the topic of So far gone.. I came across this DOPE rapper. now i havent been into to much rap especially with everyone trying to sing nowadays but anyway he reinvented "Lust for Life" A track on the mixtape and its HOTT. The thing is hes 16..Take a listen to the track. Its so dope. And if you like that. Take a look at his myspace HERE
"Keep fallin, Is it cuz im too ill for heaven? i breath. All i put out is my ALL. SO i hope i receive."
"Im standin here holdin my heart, baby just give me yours im down for exchange. Im up for the not so pretty nights, cuz together we as vibrant as some city lights."
And if you dont like him..and rap Well heres a NEw Rnb SONGTRESS. Shes really next up in my eyes. Her voice is unique she can sing though.
Melanie Fiona
The boys over at GWHH did a really great interview with her so to get to know her more go
Here for that. Shes been touring with Kanye. And shes actually from candian. Canada is next up with the talent I SWEAR lol. And recently her single "Give it to me right" Has been creating a buzz in the US and radio stations. I like the song. Check the stream out of it below. But she has a new song called "It kills me" Which just leaked off her new album and i promise you ITS CRAZY. ugh i love it. lol. But check that track out below.DJ Lissa Monet Presents: Lovestoned Vol. 003 Behind Closed Doors.
I actually posted the last love stoned she did. Dj lissamonet is a dj from Toronto canada. Shes dope and of course shes a lady dj so i show her alot of love. And the Love stoned mixes NEVER dissapoint. She actually DMed me on twitter it before it dropped because i love it so much. It dropped around valentines day but i had no one to share it with but i still bump it lol. But check this out. I wouldnt steer you wrong its a dope mix. Ginuwine, Jon B, chris brown, The dream, jill scott, r kelly, faith evans, whitney houston, next and MORE are on the tape.
Creativity at it's BEST
Complicated Being. from abteen on Vimeo.
I saw this on ARs Blog. This is really cool. This is basically a compilation of over 1,000 photos sequenced after each other. She uses something called motion photography. Its crazy because at one point shes eating and u think its a video but those were all really good photos. Listen to it with sound. The song is "The Warning" By Hot chip. Somethin diffrent.
50 Cent Presents: Pimpin Curly: The fast lane Episode
If you haven't watched the previous two episodes you have too. This is the latest of them. 50 cent has such a sense of humor. These are hilarious. These basically stemmed from his ongoing beef with rick ross right now. Noone even cares about that anymore. because 50 basically ethered him. He also made a cartoon of rick ross. this one isnt as funni as the previous ones.
So most of everybody knows Amanda diva from Def poetry jam thats how i got introduced to her , when she did her famous "40 emcees" Poem. but shes overal dope. i say shes my hero cuz shes so cool and intelligent. But She does a diva speak tv series This isnt the latest but this is last weeks episode. I think this will be a trend ill post a couple when she does them. Because she basically sums up everything in whats going on in the world.