This is going to most likely be the last post for the week. so anyway
BLINDiFORTHEKIDS presents: The Backstroke Series

This is a compliation done by the goodfellas over at BlindIfor the kids . Its divided in 4 parts. Flirting, Sex, Fucking, and Love. Read more about the compliation Here. ITS DOPE and every part has something everyone can relate to When your tryna get in the moood or what have you. =]
"Grab a Red Bull and sip that twice...
Now Ya'll can have $exytime, it's nice!"
FYI!!! all these Obama shirts are nice and what have you BUT PLEASE DO NOT WEAR ANY OBAMA SHIRTS, PINS,or HATS WHEN GOING TO THE POLLS!! you will NOT be able to vote it is against the law . NOONE can campaign within a 100 feet of the polls. SO PLEASE DO NOT WEAR ANY OBAMA GEAR WHEN GOING TO VOTE! you WILL be turned away and asked to change your clothes. And we all know if we get turned away and asked to change MOST will not come back. It'll be a shame for obama to lose votes over lack of knowledge.
Theres so much i can blog about but honestly i just dont feel like it right now. =]