Im gonna put this out now i am NOT a front runner when it comes to this music shit. Im not someone who hears a quick freestyle OH i love them. NO. ive been rockin wit freeway since 03. Clipse SINCE grindin and RYAN LESLIE in 03 when he had the think you know joint. and thats just a lil bit of who ive been rockin wit forever. TRUST me when i say this music shit has been my life since i was 12-13. MOVING ON lol
FREEWAY IS NOT PLAYIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FREEWAY! one of my favorite rappers from Rocafella is he still with them? But i rocked with This dude HEAVY. I Had philadelphia Freeway and his latest Free at last. I mean despite sells and everything i Liked that album?? idk. But this is my DUDE. Hes goin hard right now droppin a song everyday. Check some of these out
The Clipse Did a freestyle on on DJ Green Lanterns “Invasion Radio” Which was Crazy. Reup gang drops AUG 5th!! its piff sooo support them. 2 up 2 down. HAHA =]
Consequence ft. GLC & Really Doe- Disperse
Like The video. Dig the song.
"worst comes to worst my peoples come if you aint bustin down. PLEASE DISPERSE..."
Critical Mass Bicylist Assualted BY NYPD
Wrong. But from what im hearing Critical Mass Does some crazy shit?? Gotta dig deeper.
Kanye doin the "Rolled of Sleeves look" I dig it?!. Is that a timexxxx on the wrist?! haha. Speaking of Kanye i watched His homecoming special on MTV tonight which was REALLY good. If you missed it or havent heard about it..Basically Kanye and Sway went to Homes of 3 vets from Iraq who since theyve came back been dealing with PTS..Debt..and just getting back on their feet. Kanye pays all their debt and basically just gives them hope to restart their life. And also gave them tickets to his Glow in the dark tour. It was REALLY good to me. They were so grateful. =] Heres the trailor
This is sexy. Almost makes me wanna trade in my iphone.......................THINK NOT. hehe. =]
Still need to invest in a macbook but this touch wouldnt be a to shabyy first purchase. = ]
PAM "space race" Cycling Caps
UM...i fucks with these. =] Shit goes for like 6Gs. But i WILL find it cheaper lol.
DJ Drama & Ludacris- The Preview Mixtape
VERY anticpated mixtape. Havent got to listen to it all but from the tracks i heard are serious so ill share it. Download Here
VERY much overdo artist spotlight but my friend just reminded me about this cat. Some of you know him as "WheelChair Jimmy" on Degrassi But he switched it up from acting to pursue his music career. He wasnt signed for a min and still puttin out hits like. Hes From toronto which is diffrent. I like him like hes truelly a tripe threat. Acts, Raps, and gets his R&B shit on once in a while. His Rhymes are Dope, PLUS he fucks with patron HEAVY lol. But newho. His Mixtape "Comeback Season" is INSANSE. i can literally listen to all 24 songs. Check it out below and also check out his myspace Here
"I'm incredible un-fuckin forgettable come to records i will eat it if its edible, they say the futures always forseen thats why i steady gettin more money more cream, my flow is stuck in the moment that comes before dreams."
MY lovely D&G's came today. OWWWWW. =]
Really diggin R.Kellys New Cd..might post that up tommrow. TILL THEN.
This Marco Polo Bullshit is HORRIBLE. I'm sorry im not diggin it never really was feelin Soulja Boi cept she got a donk HAHA. And i like the 5 year old bow wow. lol Check it out. and PLEASE tell me this guy Bow ow doesnt have supras on in the water? well hey he got a black card right? loll.
ASHER ROTH. Your Moms Favorite Rapper Remember this cat i put you guys up on ealier?? well yea he did his first live performance in ATL he performed his "Throw the water on em" Freestyle
Jim Jones Speakin on the Nas protest and "Disses him i ges"
He made a good point about Recession and aint no money out there. TRU TALK times is fuckin rough for America with these prices goin SKY HIGH. But i mean he said Nas isnt a relevant rapper in the game. DID YOU HEAR HIS ALBUM? maybe he dont be out there like that but he has the best HIPHOP album out right kno? All this nigga Jimmy spit about is Swagger splashin.
Jazmine Sullivan
Jazmine Sullivans Vocals are AMAZING. Im pretty sure all of you know her by now from your VERY popular song "I Need you Bad" i know when i heard it it was on repeat for days and even my ringtone right now lol. BUT as MANY great female singers and Artists Shes been in the Industry for a min now Writing and doing background Vocals. She penned Christian Millians "Say I" Her song "In love with another man" Is AMAZINg and gives you chills. That song ACTUALLY got her her record deal when she sang it live for J.Records. But Keeep a look out for her cuz shes DEF gonna kill the R&B female game in a little. lol =] Click Here For her myspace
Check this out JAzmine Sullivan Age 11 @ the apollo. Steve is a clown. HAHA
Really dont like postin albums before they drop but o well i ges. =/ im not even really sure if this is the OFFICIAL track listing. But.. LLoyds Lessons in love drops AUG. 5th so go cop it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you can preview it here which will just make you WANT to go out and get it. lol.
Second Part of the CNN special: Black in America was the other night. Topic was Black Men. This one was interesting as well. Some information was really captivating. Spike Lee spoke as well as D.L Hugley and Lupe Fiasco. They follwed Micheal Eric Dyson and his brother. That was a good story. Micheal is a professor at georgetown and his brother is doing a life sentence in prison. Both grew up the same with loving parents but it was more of CHOICES, and OPPORTUNITES because micheal IS light skin and his brother was dark. So it was interesting I'll leave you with a clip of it.
Nas Vs. Fox News
Posted above is a video of Nas giving a speech at a protest against Fox the other day. The speech was very inspiring. As we know Nas has a song called "Sly Fox" which is MANILY about how fox treats Black America how they perceived him. ThE video conveys the song more and ill post a video of that as well. During the speech Nas spoke out about how Fox should stop making threats at Obamas wife michelle Calling her Obamas 'baby mama". How fox makes numerous racist attacks and slurs and he also goes in on That idiot Bill O Reily. but its def interesting so check it out.
Christian Rich
Lol. Theres a Funni story the way i found out about this guys but their DOPE. They started out as producers then turned to Artists. Like when i heard their "Famous Girl" joint i loved it. And i thought they were like some real low key artist but they did the "Hello" joint for timbaland thats them on the hook and i was like WHOA. cuz i loveedddd that song when Shock Value came out. But newho. Their tight. Gotta check out their Famous girl joint they kinda give a shout out to the Have which blew my mind lol. But click Here For their Myspace.
?QuestLove Teamed up with nike and produced a special edition colorway for The Air Force Ones. Course their Limited why wouldnt they be? but They start retail Augst 1st at Alife in NYC and other stores will start sells later such as the 5th and 7th.
This Lady is the EPTIOME of DOPE. And my Idol. =] Most of you prolly know her from being pharrell's GF and ish. But Shes Also a video director, party promoter, and director of creative services for Island Def Jam. Not to mention her style is impeccably hot. =] She went to the Visual Arts school is NY so she due to her studys shes becoming a rising video director. She did the Us Placers joint which i thought was kinda dope and creative. I love all her videos their creative and what alot of videos lack today. Shes also the designer for Pharrell's Billionare boys club line and his other one. Shes apart of a party group who holds partys in NY their called "1992" and their themes are the 90's which is INSANE! So shes pretty much an all around AMAZING person lol. I love her. and im hearin through the grapevine...someones a BULL fan. =] haha i'll post some of her work Shes done. Check out her myspace Here Her Blog Here And Her Youtube Channel Here
Us Placers- Lupe, Kayne & Pharrell
Armand Van Helden- I Want your soul -Directed by Vashtie
So i know MILLIONs of Black Americans tuned in last night for CNNs special. and nonetheless it was VERY captivating and interesting. The first part last night was about black women & Family. They followed "The Rand family". The topics stemmed from Single parent familes struggling to live to Successful Single women who find the pressures of Dating outside of their race. And a SUCCESFUL black family owning a black buisness with 5 childern whove succeeded. So i do think They covered from many diffrent aspects what it is truelly like to be black in america. They didntt just focus on the poor but how there ARE black familys together doing well. Thres three arts and tonights part is about "The Black man' Their Hella interesting i do think EVERYONE not only blacks should tune in because you can learn alot. Its on at 9pm. on CNN.
GNARLES BARKLEY- Who's Gonna Save My Soul Now?
amazing video. The Concept is GREAT. Gnarles Barkely is soo creative. At this point you can tell i digg creativity lol. i also love how the Hearts lips are hella big. HAHA. But check it out.
"Yet I never stopped to wonder Was it possible you hurtin' worse than me Still my hunger turns to greed Cause what about what I need? Whos gonna Save my soul Now?"
Kid Cudi
Soo. This cats been circulating around alot lately ive never really paid any atention to him because at first listen i dont really vibe to him but now with more listens im startin to digg his song "Day N Nite" Hes DEF diffrent then alot. which i do see in alot of new artists. I posted up his pillow talk song on a recent post so check that out. On his lil mspace bio thing he says
"im not da most insightful rapper, im not ya Talib Kweli, ya Mos Def, ya Kanye, uhhh ya Common, or anyone like dat...i dont consider myself a genius, but i aint a dummy either...if u like my music its not gonna b bcuz of some witty line i said or me bein political, its gonna b bcuz u connect with me as a person n u relate 2 my story at the same puttin yaself n my SB Dunks u feel me?"
Like thats DOPE. I feel alot of music SHOULd be about being able to connect and relate to the artist esp if their wearing dunks. lol i Fucks with kid cudi. HAHA. He recently just dropped his mixtape called " A kid named Cudi" Im not gonna post it up if you wanna vibe with him locate it. But check out his myspace Here His trailor FOR his mixtape that just dropped is kinda cool to me so check that out.
Wait for it They'll show the fight at about 1:41 but .This has DEF gotten alot of attention Well a fight took place at the Palace (funni same place the pistions and pacers brawl took place) tuesday night in the game of the Sparks and Shock. Theres always been a riviarly between the two. BUT suppsoedly Candace Parker had been gettin banged around the entire game which doesnt come as a surprise being Bill laimbeer is Detriots coach and Rick Mahorn the assitent. Anyway. you can watch the video and its self explanitory. The end result was 4 players being ejected including the Shocks assitant coach Mahorn for pushing lisa down. My take on it is that Candace has HATERS point blank. shes a phenomanal player comes in the league and dunks on chicks i mean of course theres gonna be animosity and Especially stemming from a rivarly and the coaching. The Shock had so many players suspended they had to sign Nancy Lieberman to play with them and the lady is 50 years old? CRAZY!. CP3 is still the best in the league right now lol HANDS DOWN.
im gonna be back tommrow with a better post about the Nas protest against fox second half of black in america ALOT of music and another dope artist. =] peace.
whats popppin people. been a min. my comps been actin up and ish. i guarantee when fall comes youll get more posts and shit. but as far as updating theres been a crazy amount of things but right now ill just touch on a little.
UNTITLED!!!! ive been ampin this album up for min throughout this blog and numbers show it did not dissapoint. =] #1 album on the billboard charts and this album is slated as best hiphop album of the year. i mean WHY WOULDNT IT BE?!?! the goodfellas over at gowhere did a review on it. Overall the album gets a 9/10.
Love to sit in on the SenateAnd tell the whole government Y’all don’t treat women fairShe read about herself in the bible Believing she the reason sin is here You played her, with an apron Like bring me my dinner, dear She the nigger here Ain’t we in the free world?Death penalty in Texas kill young boys and girls Barbarity, I’m in the double-R casually Bugging how I made it out the hood, dazzle me How far we really from third world savagery? When the empire fall, imagine how crazy that’ll be..” - Nas “America
The Dark Knight
DARK KNIGHT. i antipicated this movie for a while and it was AMAZING. Nas has the best hiphop album of the year and hands down Dark knight is the best MOVIE of the year. Heath ledger did an amazing job. it def is oscar worthy. But The joker was the classic criminal indeed. Dark Knight may be the summers highest grossing film and possibly for the ear. The midnight showing brought in 16 million ALONe and for the weekend it was $155.3 million. Sundays sales were 43.6 million for the day. So i suggest everyone go see this movie its a 2 hour and 30 min movie but it oes not dissapoint and honetsly will have your attention the whole time. BE APART OF HISTORY!! lol
Rick Ross Not keepin it THRILLLLA!
This has been circulating on the web recently how William Leonard Roberts bka Rock Ross worked as a correctional officer for 18 months. I mean everyones making a buzz about this mainly because his whole career revolved around his drug trafficking lifestlye. The first picture seen is his social Security number and showing that his salary was 22,000 and theres also a pic circulationg about the web of him shaking the hand of a women whne he graduated from a correctional academy. This is what Ross had to say about the issue:
“My life is 100% real,” he said. “These online hackers putting a picture of my face when I was a teenager in high school on other peoples’ body. If this s**t was real don’t you think they would have more specifics, like dates and everything? I’m in the entertainment business and a lot of people who like to hate because I’m on top of my game. Like I said before my life is 100% real. I live by this die by this. Fake pictures are created by the fake, meant to entertain the fake.”
This is what he said BEFORE the social security number photo was posted up. I mean i dont really care.. alot of rappers lie about what they have, who they shot, and what they did in their past life. Half the shit you see in the Rap/hiphop world is gimmicky and false. They do it to have a hard persona and sell records. Its a buisness to them. i Never pay attention to any of that but the music. If he sold coke or locked cats up FOR seeling coke doesnt make a diffrence Hes still one of the Hottest rapers in the game. Shouldnt of Denyed it tho if its true..just makin the situation worse.
Heres a Cat from Cali. Hes kinda Dope to me. His flow is Slow like he aprocahes tracks diffrently to me then other cats do. I like alot of cali artists truth be told. I love His "Dreams come True" joint but the recent shit thats been aound is his Watermelon Sundae joint. Check out his Myspace Here And the Watermelon sundae song below
" Life aint sweet Saturday through monday but in the summertime you my watermelon Sundae" =]
This is the end of Joe buddens "who" trilogies. Joey goes Hard on all three i think i posted pt. 1 and 2 before so hit those up if u havent heard them yet. i feel lke theres gonna be alot of HATE towards joe once These hit mainstream hard.
" So next time they ask who killed it them em WE DID"
Supra NS Fall 2008 Collection
These Are DEF the shoes of the future in my eyes. This is actually Supra’s non - skate collection, which has seen recent success in past seasons, and looks to see the same results this upcoming Fall. They are releasing several models, some of which we know, as well as some new ones which they are adding to their line-up. Features include premium leathers, lots of patent and other premium details. FRESH.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Keri Hilson!
I told yalll man!!! ever since i heard her voice on timbalands- "Miscommunication" I LOVE HER!! guess its that A&R in me lol. but shes an amazing songwriter and an amazing singer and basically an amazing person all in all. Shes been on other artists hooks for a while especially Nas's joint Hero and she finally released her own song entitled Energy. It permiered on 106 and park the other day. And its amazing! check it out. most likely its bad quality but o well she looks amazing.
Untitled is in stores TODAY!!!
EVERYONE and i mean EVERYONE should go get it. ITS DEF one of the best hip hop albums of the summer and probally RIGHT NOW. This man needs to sell a mill his first week. DEF a must hae in your collection. The picture above is Nas performing at Alife NYC's courtyard. Alife did a pre release album party for him. “In celebration of Nas’ new album: ALIFE and NaS did a T-shirt together. Only 100 packs produced for sale, and their available exclusively at ALIFE NYC on Tuesday, July 15th. Which is today and the day is album drops. =]
This kid is INSANELY talented. I first saw some of his work by the good fellas at gowhere. Then i hit up his myspace and saw some more and i was just immediately captured. This kid so SOOO unique most his paintings come from ALOT of nerd songs and have ALOT of hidden messages. His "Gotta Eat" painting is currently my wallpaper on my computer and The "Mind Control" is the wallpaper on my phone. ill show some of his paintings but in the meantime Check out his myspace Here
Here are two of his latest creations and his explantation behind them. COKE DIET-He done drinking diet coke, he’s on that coke diet…this is a cocaine trip painting…inspired by “everybody nose”…a cocaine story. So, that’s the concept, but how do i execute it?? I find myself flirting with contemporary pop images (i.e. play-doh, life, etc), so first thing that comes to mind is “coca-cola” often known as “coke”(shared nickname with cocaine.)…i want “coke” to become astro’s friend, but coke has to disguise his cons…has to disguise the fact that he’s a “killer.” So i thought of the title “everybody nose,” and decided to give “coke” the goucho glasses (first painting i put them in, smurfs came later)…and i put the glasses over “cola,” so all u or rather all astro sees is “coca.” The balloons with the color spots represent “the high.” [James]
KILL JOY - After listening to KILL JOY, I wanted to make a painting that symbolized life and death, but i didn’t want it to be too obvious. I began to think of the act of killing “joy”, which may lead to your demise because your erasing the things that made you..YOU…I always heard that people can be read like a book, but what happens when you write in that book, and erase everything before you turn it in to let some one to read?? The paper represents life, and everything on it is something that’s been apart of my life… back in middle/high school ppl would call me a nerd because i acted/thought differently than other guys, and that was foreign…so i’m weird (i guess.) Back in the elementary school, i was a real super soaker junkie…i had soooo many water guns, but as i got older i didn’t collect as many, and started to notice that some of the ppl were trading in their super soakers for actual guns (guess u gotta keep it gangsta, right?) Also, i havea sweet tooth…like i love candy, and when i was younger i’d always eat blow pops…sour apple and “super blue razz berry,” and then as i got older i sweets became sex ‘cuz “shawty, wanna lick lick lick the lollipop”…haha…I’ve always been a fan of cartoons, from the jetsons to batman tas to death note, but i thought the smurfs were appropriate for this painting…i made them my murderers, and they’re erasing everything i enjoy/love, it hurts so i scream for ice cream, so they put the whip cream and cherry on the lollipop..the killers gotta keep a disguise, so i gave ‘em the groucho specs. [James]
SIGH. joey. joey . JOEY! i FUCKIN love joe buddens. i ALWAYS did from that joint he did with 3rd storee. I had his first album and every song of his from the gwen stefani freestlye to why to doves cry to DEAR ANGELA. Never a day in my life have i slept on this guys ability and i have the most PASSION in the world for him if cats say hes corny. Hes totally underated. but recently he put out a song called WHO. which he just DESTROYS. its mainly about the state of which hip hop is in and shit. i completly argee all around with him with everything he says. He goes hard for about 5 minutes until the beat fades and OH this is only part 1. = ]
“I’d hate to break it to you, numbers ALWAYS lie!”
YEAAAA you know i was ESTACTIC when this video premiered. UGh my fav song right now. NAS is BACK UNTILTED is AMAZING. everyone shuld go buy it tho. Support my dude. HES truely HIPHOP and the one that needs to sell a MILL in the first week. real talk.
"Young, rich, and flashy Young, b!tch, I'm nasty All black clothes til ice lay on me so classy And every time I close my lids I can still see the borough, I can still see the BridgeI can still see the dreams that my niqqas ain't never lived to see Tell them angels open the door for me"
Asher Roth
Cats sleep on this guy. But hes Truelly dope to me. Myspace Here
Whats poppin World. Didnt do my usual post Today cuz shits just been HELLA crazy and im exhausted but w.e ill give a lil somethin before i dose off.
These Are part of the 4th of July Pack being Released Exclusively for the 4th of July. These are the Womens Nike Dunk high inspired by the holiday, and uses the American flag colors.The upper is constructed from leather, The Varsity red fills the outsole, and gives the shoe a really nice touch. They are beginning to show up at retailers now, so make sure you check them out.
These Are Also part of The July 4th Package. This is the Nike Air max 97 Zen. The First one is the womens and the Second was produced for the men. i loveee air max 97s But i personally like the Mens Pair. These Are also showing up in retailors.
WELL this post was most likely corny but o well im just not in the Mood.And i have a Drug test in the AM.Till then.
" Trying to forget someone you love is like tryin to remember someone you Never knew" "It takes a couple seconds to say Hello, but forever to say Goodbye"
Kanye was Seen at the Lanvin Fashion show during fashion week Spring/Sumer 2009 at the Museum of Man in Paris, France. I loveeeeeeeee what he has on. He has Amazing legs 2. =]
These Photos are pics of the Puma Fresh Prince of Bel- air Package. The first one your seeing is the Puma First Round. The Sneaker Features the Same Graffti from the opening credits of the Fresh Prince of Bel air show. The Fresh Prince logo is also on the tounge and the Sneaker comes with a green watch which is crazy Dope to me! The Second puma of the package is The Puma clyde. This shoe represents the high Life will had after he moved to Bel Air from West Philly. the Graffit saw on the first shoe is replaced with Italic Croc with gold accents. This package comes with a gold forcer watch.
Sports used to be my life and i can still say it is. so why wouldnt i love the onlypics? The 2008 Summer olympics are in Bejing this year and start when? 08.08.08 MY BIRTHDAY!!! = ] but Ive Been watching the Trials which has been really interesting. Jut the passion and Heart these Athletes have is amazing and their all Fighting for that ticket to China. well non the less one of my Favorite Female sprinters Lauryn wiliams Qualified Sautrday night coming in 3rd in the 100m Race. one would say 3rd is shitty but she came behind Muna Lee and Torri Edwards All three are on the same team and are amazing Runners. I feel like USA has somethin to gain this year in Track & field not only on the womens Side. Saturday tyson Gay was breking Records and is Probally one of the fastest men in the US. Im Very confident in USA with track because their sending their best runners.
Speakingggggg of The Olympics...
These are just straight PIFF. what Your looking at are the Air jordan 7 (VII)- Miro Olympic collection. This Shoe has a story behind them. They are inspired by the colors and the international spirit of the Olympic Games, but it goes even deeper than that. The shoes also draw inspiration from the late Spanish painter and sculptor Joan Miró who died only months before Michael Jordan and Team USA won Gold in the ‘84 Games. They feature a white base with an array of colors which form what is best described as an artistic pattern. They are slated to release on July 3, 2008 at the Opium store in Barcelona. DOPE. look at the bottom!!!
Is a Rapper who does have a bar code so i wouldnt say an ASPIRING rapper. He's Part of a Movement called MNDFRM. Their basically out of Atlanta, La, and New York. Their a group basically they rap and they also have a dope chloting line. i'll show a shirt from there line later. But J-LIE. Is South African and South Koreaon sicen for some odd reason EVERYONE wants to know his nationality. He Was a Great athelete but after a life changing event he purused Music. I like His stuff I mean hes HOTT. His style is RIDICOLOUS and he has a swagg like no other in the Game Right now.
Heres one of my favorite songs from him called "Remember"
Amy Winehouse has an AMAZING voice. But shes lost it.
So Supposedly Amy Winehouse did a set at the Glastonbury 2008 Music Festival and she punched a fan and called Kanye a Cunt. Kanye took the diss in stride just saying "Amy Winehouse dissed me, NOW I KNOW I MADE IT!" theres Clips of her punching the fan. its Kinda funny to me actually cuz you can hear and see her gruntin while doin it LMAO. just look for yourself.
UGH! i FUCKING LOVE LLLOYD! Im def a huge fan of his Everything he puts out just seems to be hot his voice to me is unique in the R&B world. This one right here of course he teamed up with the dream. Told you this cat is all over this summer! but Its a DOPE collabo and the song has a strong lyrical structure I can relate to whats being said and its a good love song if you ask me. a FAV so you MUST DL!
So im dedicating this post to Poetry. Im a big fan of poets and people who have that ability to write. DEF poetry jam is def one of my FAV shows so im gonna post some clips.
SHIHAN- The Poet
Shihan is one of my favorites. "This Type Love" is an incredible poem about LOVE and the metaphors and similies he uses illustrates how creative he is. He performed This type of Def poetry Jam which basically launchedd his career. Below is him reciting the poem on the show.
Another one of my favorites from the show was Sista Queens- "Try Being a Lady". This is DEF in my top 10. The poem is about how society always Tells Girls to be ladys but what really is being a lady? America paints the picture of what a lady should be like but its not always logical. I love how she recites it and i can TOTALLY relate to the poem and Her. Cuz she bats for my team. haha. =]
Marky is 19 year old upcoming Artist From The D.C area. Marky's been getting ALOT of buzz lately. His "Oh Sheila" joint is tough and his latest Mixtape. Homework 4.3 is reallly good. i love the way he rhymes and what he says. Hes Not like all tehse other cats coming out which is Refreshing. Check out his Myspace Here
THEE WIFE!. Shes amazing even tho we've been through HELL and back. but i love her i mean look at the pic? =] Shes Hella talented and Creative. Below is one of her INSANE poems entitled "Hurt"